
SystemRescue 11.01 for amd64
Sourceforge Download systemrescue-11.01-amd64.iso from Sourceforge
Fastly Download systemrescue-11.01-amd64.iso from Fastly
Release details released on 2024-05-04 (898 MiB)
SHA256 checksum systemrescue-11.01-amd64.iso.sha256
SHA512 checksum systemrescue-11.01-amd64.iso.sha512
GnuPG Signature systemrescue-11.01-amd64.iso.asc

Other versions

You can also download previous versions, or beta versions if you want to have more recent versions of packages or to try the latest features. See here for Downloading and Building Sourcecode.

Applying customizations

Before you install SystemRescue on a boot device, you may want to apply your own customizations to the ISO image. This can be achieved easily through sysrescue-customize.

Installation on a USB stick or internal disk

It is possible to use SystemRescue without having a DVD drive as it can be installed on USB sticks, or on a local disk. In any case you will need to download the ISO image from the current page.

Checking the downloaded file

To confirm that the download was successful, you should download the checksum files and then run verification commands such as the following ones:

sha256sum --check systemrescue-x.y.z.iso.sha256
sha512sum --check systemrescue-x.y.z.iso.sha512

These command will recalculate the checksum on the downloaded file, and compare it with the expected checksums. These checksum programs are part of coreutils on Linux and should be pre-installed with most distributions.

You can download sha256sum.exe for windows, and you can run the command from a cmd.exe terminal.

Checking the signature

You can also verify the signature of the ISO image using GnuPG. The signature is located in the ASC file named after the ISO image that you can get from the main download links at the top of this page. You will also need the public signing key.

gpg --import gnupg-pubkey.txt
gpg --verify systemrescue-x.y.z.iso.asc systemrescue-x.y.z.iso

Errors during the boot process

Various issues can cause SystemRescue to hangs or fail with unexpected errors during the boot process. Please do not report these as bugs unless you have verified the frequent causes of these issues:

  • Boot medias such as DVD, and USB stick are often unreliable and bad blocks will cause problems. You can try another media to see if it makes a difference, and you can enable verification when you burn/copy the ISO image to make sure data written to the device can be read and match the original.
  • Damaged RAM will cause all type of programs to behave unexpectedly. Computers memory can be tested using program such as memtest which is included with SystemRescue.
  • You will also get problems if the system runs out of memory. So make sure your computers has at least 2GB of memory if you start with the default boot options or 4GB if you cache the system into RAM.

Writing the ISO image file to a DVD

On Linux you can use either command line tools such as cdrecord/wodim or graphical tools such as k3b, brasero or xfburn.

Online documentation

Reading the Quick Start Guide is recommended if it is your first time using SystemRescue. You may also be interested in the Complete documentation for more details.